Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 33....Birth Class and DC Baby Shower

Hi All -

It's been another crazy week in the Bach Household getting ready for Baby "B" to arrive. I think Jon and I are both experiencing nesting :). His room is really coming together, and I feel like we are getting close to having everything ready for his arrival. I will post pictures once we get pictures hung on the wall.

Jon also made great progress on the wood floor. He is about 99% done at this point. Here is a picture of our front room. He is almost done with the dining room and hallway. We are also taking this opportunity to rearrange the furniture a bit. Here is the picture of the front room. Looking great right? :)

We also had our Birthing Class and our DC baby shower this weekend. The birthing class was very educational. We decided to do the 6 hour express class rather than breaking it up. We learned a lot of great information about signs of labor, the delivery process, and relaxation techniques. As the instructor said - knowledge is definitely power and nothing is forever when it comes to the pain! She also said to think about running a marathon - when you run a marathon only the winner gets a medal. When you are in labor, everyone gets a baby! :). I think the part that is freaking me out the most right now is the recovery/affects on your body and the pain of course! I'm trying not to stress too much about the labor process as Jon and I both said that there are certain things that will occur which are just out of our control. I just hope and pray every day that Baby "B" arrives as a healthy, happy baby.

Our DC baby shower was a "Co-Ed" shower which was fun. It was hosted by our lovely friends, the Walsh's. They are awesome friends and we appreciate everything they did to host the shower very much! It was great to catch up with friend and also get some QT  with our friend's 3 month old babies, Liam and Collette. We can't wait for Baby "B" to join them for play dates.

Here are pictures of me with the lovely ladies and us with the Walshs.

Well here is to another week. We are looking forward to the start of football season and the first PSU game. Go Nittany Lions! We are ONE team! We ARE Penn State!



Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 32 - And More House Projects Continue

Hi All -

Wow. 32 weeks! 2 more months until Baby B's due date. I'm definitely starting to slow down more and looking much bigger. It seems like he's grown a lot in just a week. I was telling Jon today that I feel like I want from small to huge overnight. I can still see my feet though! So I'm considering that a positive :). I keep wondering what he is going to look like and praying that he will be a happy, healthy baby.

I didn't get a chance to post many baby shower pictures last week. Here are a few pics from the weekend.  This picture is of the AMAZING diaper cake that my Aunt MaryAnn made. She is very creative and was able to think of something to go along with his nature themed nursery. There was also a surprise bottle of champagne in the middle for Jon and I to enjoy after the babies arrival :).

I love this picture of me with my Mom and Joanne taken at the shower. Baby B is going to be SO blessed to have these amazing women in his life to look after him. I'm very much looking forward to having their help and support after he arrives.

And finally, here is me with my t-town girls. I love these ladies. I'm always so grateful for the fact that we've been able to stay so close through the years. There is nothing like spending time with your childhood friends. I really hope that Baby B can form such close bonds as he grows up.

This week the house projects continued.I think we will both be exhausted before he arrives just trying to get everything done.  I think I mentioned last week, but Jon decided to surprise me with beautiful hardwood flooring on the first floor of our house. He is doing a great job installing it and spent the weekend working on it He is about 90% done. I love the end project of house work but boy-oh-boy do I not like the mess. As you all probably know - I'm a creature of cleanliness & organization :). Something that Baby B will probably break me off as well!

We also were able to spend time with some friends and finally purchased our Glider/Rocking Chair for the Nursery. Oh boy was that quite the decision! We wanted to find something that was relatively inexpensive, but still comfortable. I'll post a picture once it arrives.

Well I'm off to relax for the evening. Please continue to send prayers of healing to Jon's Mom as she continues to recover from her hip replacement surgery.

We have our childbirth class this upcoming weekend. I'm not sure if it will scare me more or relax me. We shall see!



Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 31...Baby Bach's PA Baby Shower

Hi All,

It's been a very busy weekend so this post will be short :). Jon and I headed home to PA this weekend for Baby Bach's baby shower. It was a wonderful weekend spent with family and friends. The shower was held at Jon's parent's house. My Mother and Joanne did a wonderful job planning and coordinating the shower. Thank you both! We love you more than words can say. I also have to thank my Aunt Mary Ann who was a huge help to my Mother.

Our son is going to be truly blessed to be surrounded by SO many wonderful, amazing friends and family. I was very overwhelmed by all of the love and support for our new miracle. I also especially LOVED spending some time with my t-town girls. I really love how everyone has stayed in touch. There is nothing that compares to coming home to friends that you've grown up with and sharing new memories/milestones.  I'll post a lot more pics from the shower next week...but here is what our car looked like for the ride home!

Jon also got to work cleaning out his bedroom at home in preparation of bringing the baby home to PA. He stumbled upon a lot of great old pictures and mementos from high school. We started out as high school sweethearts and now more than 10 years later we will be welcoming our new little boy.

Well, have to run. We are both exhausted from the weekend. More pictures to come! I have another Dr. appointment this Wednesday. Also, please send prayers this week to Jon's Mom, Joanne, as she heads in for hip replacement surgery.



Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 30... Checking more things off the list

Happy Sunday Everyone!

10 weeks to go! It's been another hot week here in NOVA. Yesterday was stifling, but it seems like the weather might break a little bit heading into next week. Baby Bach's kicks have switched into much more pronounced movements now. If you watch my stomach these days you can see him moving. It's really amazing. Luckily he is good at settling down at night right now, so I can get some rest.

We went to an infant CPR class this past week. I'm glad we took it. I think we will feel much more confident when we bring him home. INOVA health system has a great health education program. We are looking forward to our child birth class at the end of the month.

Jon spent the week/weekend working on finally finishing the basement bathroom...AND surprising me with starting to put in new flooring on our first floor!!!! It is beautiful!  I came home from being out today, and walked in to him installing the floor..I was not expecting it at all! He is just the most awesome hubby and future dad to be.

I attended my friend Justine's baby shower this weekend. They are expecting their first baby in September. It was very cute and a good opportunity to catch up with some friends that I haven't seen in awhile. They had a really cute idea where the desserts had themes based on books (i.e. moonpies for Good Night Moon, and a bowl of fish for the book (1 fish, 2 fish, 3 fish). Congratulations to Justine & Ron as they head into the home stretch!

I also went to an outing with the "New Mommy" group I joined. We painted pottery. It was a really fun time and nice to talk with other ladies that are at the same stage of pregnancy that I am. I made Baby Bach a "college fund" piggy bank :)

Well, here is to next week. We are looking forward to celebrating Baby Bach with our PA Family & Friends.

