Wednesday, April 6, 2016

37 Weeks - Spring has Sprung

Hi Sweet Boy -

Wow, we will be meeting you in only 3 short weeks. Time seems to have really flown by. My last day of work is April 13th and I'm REALLY counting down those days. Things have been very busy lately with work and going into the office is exhausting. I think Monday will be my last day "in" the office and I'll be working from home for the most part for the last few days.

Last weekend was Easter and we had a nice, quite time at home. We went to church and had a nice dinner at home. We even did a small egg hunt with your Big Brother.

This weekend we've spent some time getting the yard in shape for your arrival. We don't want to be busy doing anything else other than loving on you when you arrive! Your babysitter Ms. Vickie also brought by some nice goodies for you. She is very sweet and I know she will take good care of you when she watches you.

We also FINALLY settled on a name for you. It took us quite awhile to agree on something for you, because we needed it to be perfect. We always knew that your middle name would be after your grandpa patch (edward) but it was the first name that was the problem. We were looking through some baby names and we both really liked the name "Grant".  We wanted you to have a name that was not very common but also not strange either ;). We think that Grant is a very strong name and it actually means "Big". We've shared the name with a few people and the first thing they say is that it's a good "strong" name. I even started to get some things monogrammed - so you know it's set.

Well, time to go and relax and watch a movie with your daddy. We won't get to do this too often after you come for awhile :). I'll write again soon. Below is me at 37 weeks! Look at you :)

I love you!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

35 Weeks - One more month until we meet you precious boy!

Can't believe it's only one more month until we meet you! 4 more weeks to go. We went to see the Dr. today and he said you look healthy and will most likely weigh about 7 lbs when you are born. This is very close to how big your brother was. Your daddy was able to come to this appointment and he was very excited to see you on the sonogram. Below is a picture of me from this weekend. I'm feeling very large and also very tired. Keeping up with your brother sure tuckers me out...that and work :). I could definitely be done with work right now.

We also had some visitors this past weekend as your Uncle Justin and his girlfriend Molly came to visit. They loved playing with your brother and can't wait to meet you! We spent some time just hanging out and visited a few wineries (me as DD of course!). It also ended up snowing on the first day of Spring!

Nana and Grandpa also came to visit this past month to help us get ready for your arrival. They were super helpful with some spring cleaning and organizing that Mommy wanted to get done. We also celebrated Nana's 60th Birthday! You and Nana will be 60 years apart? Isn't that crazy! They also were able to watch your brother when Mommy and Daddy went out to a very special dinner to celebrate before you join us and make us a family of 4!

Mommy's best friend from college (Taylor) also came for a visit. We had a great time and went for lunch in Middleburg and to an amazing spa!

Finally, we started to put together some of your baby gear including the pack n play, rock n play, bassinet, swings, etc. And we of course had to get your car seat in the cars and inspected as well. Daddy actually did a good job this time and we only had to adjust the infant seat. You should be all set and safe when we bring you home :).

We cannot wait to meet you! I'm very excited but I think also getting a bit scared to think of life with 2 crazy little boys. It will sure be an adventure for sure, and I'm sure you will teach me new lessons just as your brother did.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

32 weeks - Blizzard of 2016 and Your Sprinkle

Hello Sweet Little Guy,

Its been a very busy last few weeks and you've gone through a lot in my baby bump :). We had the Blizzard of 2016 a few weeks ago. We got over 30 inches of snow! It was crazy. Daddy did ALOT of shoveling and your Big Brother had fun playing and really enjoyed shoveling as well. Below is the view from our back (we had 40 inches back there), front of the house, and some photos of all of the shoveling. I of course hung out and watched the show. Too much snow for me to shovel with you!

We've also been very busy getting ready for you to arrive. We can't believe it's less than 2 months until we meet you. Your room is pretty much ready, and Daddy has been busy working on redoing a bathroom upstairs. We also  had some amazing friends throw a Sprinkle for you. It was a really nice time and Daddy did a get job making some food and coordinating it with our good Friend Katie Wacek. It was at our house and below are all of the friends who came to celebrate YOU.

Mommy with Noni and her friends. P.S. some of these mommies have babies in their bellies as well. They will be your friends too :).

We also took a tour of the new hospital where you will be born in Fairfax. They just opened a new Women's and Children's Hospital and it is very nice!  Your big brother was born there as well, but he was in the older part of the hospital.  Health wise - you and I are both doing well. I had to go and take the dreaded 3 hour glucose test with you though to make sure I did not have gestational diabetes :( . I passed though, so that is all that is important!  Below are some photos of us over the past few weeks.

This is me and you at 30 weeks :) . Looking pretty good I think (and big).

On the left is me with your brother and on the right is me with you. Looking about the same I think just a little more tired with you. Your brother keeps me pretty busy, that is for sure! We love you to the moon and back already and we cannot WAIT to meet you.

Mommy, Daddy, and Evan

P.S. - Still no first name picked yet. We just can't decide! It will come to us though.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

26 Weeks - Your estimated day of arrival has been set!

Hard to believe I'm 26 weeks already. Below is a picture your dad took of me at 25 weeks.
3 months to go until we meet you! I've started to feel you moving and kicking and dad has been able to feel you as well a bit. You do tend to get shy though every time he tries to feel you kick!

 It's been a busy month with the Holidays, moving your brother into his "big boy" room, and Grandpa Patch's Retirement Party. I'm still feeling really good but also starting to feel pretty "huge". The nights have become restless as my hips are hurting like they did with your brother. I'm going to the chiropractor this time though, and they are helping to ease my discomfort a little bit.

We also set the date for your c-section already!! If things go as planned, you will be born on April 18th. We are scheduled to head to the hospital for 6:30 am that morning. You will be an Earth day baby and born one day after your Uncle JP's Birthday. We'll see if you stick to the plan or decide to surprise us :). I also filed all of my paperwork for my leave, so at this point I'll be taking time off to be with you from April 13th until August 11th. It will be 4 months. Just like I spent with your brother :).

Well, below are some pics from the past couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy them :). We can't wait to meet you sweet little one.

Here is the 3 of us on Christmas day and Christmas Eve at Nana and Grandpa's house.

Here is a picture of everyone before Christmas Eve Mass. 

Below is a picture of your Big Brothers room. He really seems to like it and all of the cars/trucks. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Baby Bach #2 - 20 weeks

Wow, hard to believe we are 1/2 way there and will be meeting you in 20 weeks (or less). We've been really busy with the Holidays and getting your Big Brother all set in his "Big" Boy room.  We really want to have him sleeping in there before Christmas. You'll be taking over his bedroom when you arrive and using his crib. I got out a bunch of storage bins filled with Baby Clothes, Swaddles, etc. and it is really starting to feel like you will be here soon! We are very excited to meet you!

This on top of the holidays has kept both Me and your Daddy very busy! Below are some pics of our christmas tree this year as well as the house. This year we actually put out some reindeer and a snowman. Your Big Brother is obsessed with The Polar Express this year too and his train set. I think we've already watched Polar Express 10 times and it's only December 6th :). It's ok - that story is a classic and we love it too!

We also had our big ultrasound and got to see you again :). You are very healthy so far and that was a big relief for us. You were breach and very low in mommies belly, so it took us awhile to get all of the photos we needed. You were also being very shy and wouldn't let us see your face (as you can see below).

The ultrasound tech even let your dad hear you again, which he was very excited about.

Below is a picture of me from yesterday. I definitely feel bigger with you than I did with your brother. Overall though I have a lot of energy right now (which is a good thing).

I head to the Doctor on Tuesday, so hopefully things will continue to go well. I continue to pray every night that you are healthy. I'm also praying that the world becomes a better place for you and your brother. There has been some tragedy in Paris as well as here in the USA and the president will address the nation tonight. Here is to hoping something changes and you both can live in a safe, happy world! 

We love you Baby Boy! 

Monday, November 9, 2015

And then we were a family of 4...

It's been a very long time since I posted on this blog, but since it's something I did for Evan it's also something that I want to try and keep up with for our new addition. Eventually my goal is to print out this blog and add it into their baby books. you've probably already gotten from the above paragraph. We are expecting baby #2!!

Evan is going to be a big brother in April 2016. We are very excited for Evan to be a big brother and have a sibling to grow up with sharing memories and (hopefully) becoming best friends and supporting each other through life. I am also very excited to have a spring baby when their is also new "life" outdoors and the sunlight stays out a bit longer :).

I will be 16 weeks on Monday, so we are officially through the first trimester. The baby is healthy and we continue to pray every night that it stays that way. The first trimester seemed a little rougher than it did with Evan, but I think it's because I just didn't have as much time to rest (aka chasing a 3 year old). Overall, I can't complain though and was not super sick.

We announced our pregnancy in mid-October and had some really great photos to share with everyone. I found these ideas on pinterest, and I'm super happy with the way they came out.

We also decided that the new baby will take over Evan's current room and crib. We are going to  move Evan into a new bedroom and are in the process of redoing this room. I saw another really cool idea on Pinterest to add wood on an accent wall. We are running with it and so far it looks awesome!

I'll try and keep up with this at least once a month. Here we all go on another adventure :) Evan still totally dosen't get that he is going to be a big brother. He says he will give his new sibling his "bed" and the baby is in mommies belly. That is about it though. We've got some work to do in that department :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Little E - My how 7 months have flown by!

Hi There -'s been forever since I have posted anything to this blog. Life sure has become a whirlwind :). I cannot believe that Evan "Little E", "Buddha Boy", "Goober", or "Pippy"  as we affectionately call him is 7 months old. This little boy has too many nicknames. But with his cuteness..we just can't stop coming up with them! He is such a happy baby overall. Even the ladies at daycare have made numerous comments to me about how happy/smiley he is. The only time we really see his tears is when he is sleepy, hungry, or lately just plain frustrated with being unable to reach his prized toy.

He LOVES to be in his jumperoo bouncing around or cruising around the kitchen in his walker. He isn't a fan of "tummy" time still. I often wonder if he will skip the crawling all together and go straight to walking. He can sit very well on his own now and loves to play with anything that has a mirror. He also loves his play remote that says "sunshine today, cloudy tomorrow". He also loves the "Baby Animals" song that Jon found on youtube on the ipad - and his favorite book at the moment is "Where is Babies Belly Button" --- Thank you Megan Flaherty!!

He has started to babble a lot lately and blow raspberries.It's amazing how loud he can be!  He is still not a big fan of the bottle, but he does pretty well with his solids. He will eat most anything if it's mixed with Banana! He isn't a big fan of the green veggies yet..hopefully that will come in time! The first 5 months were very tough sleep wise - but ever since then he is normally a good sleeper..knock on wood. He is definitely our 6 AM alarm clock though! No need to set that anymore :).

We are still waiting the arrival of his first teeth...My bet is that they will be arriving within the next month. 

He has changed our lives in more ways than I ever could have imagined. No one can really prepare you for the joys and challenges of motherhood. We sure wouldn't trade him for the world. He is our blue eyed, blonde haired polish boy!

I'm hoping to update this blog more often - now that I am starting to feel a little bit like my old self. It's something I'd love for Evan to look back on when he is older.

Here is to next time!


Sara, Jon, and Evan