Monday, November 9, 2015

And then we were a family of 4...

It's been a very long time since I posted on this blog, but since it's something I did for Evan it's also something that I want to try and keep up with for our new addition. Eventually my goal is to print out this blog and add it into their baby books. you've probably already gotten from the above paragraph. We are expecting baby #2!!

Evan is going to be a big brother in April 2016. We are very excited for Evan to be a big brother and have a sibling to grow up with sharing memories and (hopefully) becoming best friends and supporting each other through life. I am also very excited to have a spring baby when their is also new "life" outdoors and the sunlight stays out a bit longer :).

I will be 16 weeks on Monday, so we are officially through the first trimester. The baby is healthy and we continue to pray every night that it stays that way. The first trimester seemed a little rougher than it did with Evan, but I think it's because I just didn't have as much time to rest (aka chasing a 3 year old). Overall, I can't complain though and was not super sick.

We announced our pregnancy in mid-October and had some really great photos to share with everyone. I found these ideas on pinterest, and I'm super happy with the way they came out.

We also decided that the new baby will take over Evan's current room and crib. We are going to  move Evan into a new bedroom and are in the process of redoing this room. I saw another really cool idea on Pinterest to add wood on an accent wall. We are running with it and so far it looks awesome!

I'll try and keep up with this at least once a month. Here we all go on another adventure :) Evan still totally dosen't get that he is going to be a big brother. He says he will give his new sibling his "bed" and the baby is in mommies belly. That is about it though. We've got some work to do in that department :)

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