Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 34....Bigger and Slower :)

Happy Labor Day to All,

Week 34 here we come! We can't believe that in 6 weeks (maybe more/maybe less) we will be meeting Baby B. We have enjoyed this past week watching him move in my belly. It's easy to find him now and you can definitely see an elbow, foot, or hand at times. He woke me up bright and early Saturday morning with quite the gymnastics routine! I think he was as excited for college football to start as his Daddy! Here is a picture of me taken this weekend. It's not too great, but I feel it's my duty to post for Baby B's future viewing pleasure :).

We enjoyed the PSU game at our house with our good friends Taylor, Jeff, and their baby boy Liam. Look at this cutie all done up in his PSU gear :). It was great for us because Liam got to test out all of Baby B's new gear/toys. The snug-a-bunny seat was a big hit.

Jon and I still have a few things to get done around the house, but we are definitely starting to wrap things up. I feel like it's been a whirlwind trying to get everything done at the house in anticipation of his arrival. Between work and housework we have always been on the go. I can definitely feel myself starting to slow down. The newest things popping up this week are my feet swelling/hurting by the end of the day and it's become MUCH harder for me to get out of bed at night. I think I've figured out rolling out of the bed is the best option at this point :). I'm also still not sleeping too much as my hips/legs hurt very badly when I lay down. I even went out and bought one of those fancy pregnancy pillows (a Snoogle) last week, and it didn't help at all. I'm keeping it though and using it as a back rest. I've found it's harder to get in/out of my couch as well :). Oh well, it will all be worth it once we see his beautiful face. We continue to hope and pray that he is a healthy, happy baby boy! 

Jon finished up the majority of the new flooring on the 1st level. It looks amazing. He did a wonderful job.

Here are also a few pictures of Baby B's nursery. It's still not 100% put together (we ran into some issues putting together his glider and need a spare part shipped :)). I still wanted to post a few pics of the work-in-progress. Hopefully we'll get the part this week and get pictures hung on the walls.

Well hope everyone has a great 1st week of September. I have a Dr. appointment this week, so wish us luck.




  1. Hi Sara,

    As always you amaze me. It is so awesome everything you guys have done in preparation for Baby B. You are so very blessed with health and strength. Jon amazes me, too. It will be so great to see you guys finally hold Baby B.
    The world will be a brighter place with the dawning of Baby B's birthday.
    I love you.

    1. Thanks Joanne! He can't wait to meet his Noni. Love you too!
