Well Hello Everyone!
I know it's been a couple of weeks, but we have been busy adjusting to life with our new little miracle :). Evan Raymond Bach decided to make his arrival on 10/13/2012 on 1:35 PM. He weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and was 21 and 1/4 quarter inches long.
Here is Evan's labor and delivery story :)
I went into labor Friday evening at midnight. At first, I didn't realize what was happening so I waited for a few contractions to wake Jon up. He was quite startled but ready to roll :). He immediately got out his contraction timer app on his phone and we started to time. The contractions were pretty consistent and getting pretty close together. We waited about 2 hours and then decided to call the Dr. Of course, since it was a Friday night and the weekend our Dr. was not on call. We were directed to the on call Dr. who instructed us to make our way to the hospital.
We made it to the hospital in no time and were directed to triage. I was admitted shortly after and given the epidural. Ahh...blissful relief from the pain :). We then were instructed to rest. I was admitted at 3 centimeters dilation and was progressing pretty well until about Noon. My progress stalled at 7 centimeters dilation for 3 hours - and that is when the Dr. decided to make the call to deliver me via c-section. Of course, this wasn't part of the plan, but the Dr. was great and very reassuring. Our parents had also made their arrival at the hospital by that point which was great as well.
It was my first trip to the OR, and it was very reassuring to have Jon there. He watched the whole thing..don't know how he did that! All I was waiting for was to hear the healthy cry of our baby boy. When we both heard his cry we burst into tears.
We stayed in the hospital for 2 days and then headed home. Of course, Evan cried the whole way! But he has since gotten more used to his car seat and being in the car :).
Here is a picture of Evan with our labor & delivery nurse as well as the Dr. who delivered him!
Well here is to next time. We look forward to sharing our journey as a family of three :).
Sara, Jon, and Baby Evan :)
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